Ive been using Another Droid s Mystic BBS Gopher Client (a cool python script)
Im having a little issue: is there a way to set up this mod, so it could display latin charset? (you know, stressed vowels and so on)... I
visited a lot of spanish gopherholes, but they showed badly.
I certainly don't want to steer anyone away from great Mystic mods, but I do enj0y the features that Lynx web browser offers for gopher sites. I use it on 2oFB w/ the following security settings;
export TERM=pcansi && stty cols 80 rows 25 && lynx -book -anonymous -cfg=/home/pi/mystic/lynx.cfg -cmd_log=/home/pi/mystic/logs/lynx.log -restrictions=all
If you notice the -cfg flag, I copied the original lynx.cfg file and modified it. There are many settings in there and I believe one could set Lynx up to display those chars - so long as the users terminal had them.
Anyway... just sharing.
--- Mystic BBS v1.12 A48 (Linux/64)
* Origin: 2o fOr beeRS bbS >> 20ForBeers.com:1337 (10:103/17)