On 21 Mar 2022, Atreyu said the following...
I'm curious as to what DOS BBS software or Fido product you've written, maintained and/or contributed to its source code or community of users.
I have NEVER contributed to any DOS BBS software or Fido product, but have been
programming since 1997. Programming is what I do for a living. My comment about Renegade evolving is based on it's lack of scalability and support on multiple OSes. It has no impact on whether the software will thrive or not. It'd be nice to see support for it on multi-platform. I for one used to run Renegade when it was first introduced in the early 90s (DOS version). I used to
customize it to kingdom come till I found it's limits. That then led me to visit other BBS softwares that I could tinker with.
I would love to create a BBS project if I had the time. I think it'd be fun. But right now, I'm having a ball making mods and door games.
|11// |03Smooth |07+o |05{|12{|08.|15DESPAiR BBS|08.|12}|05} |14
... Consultant: A person who makes good on a salesman's promises!
--- Mystic BBS v1.12 A48 2022/03/11 (Windows/64)
* Origin: DESPAiR BBS // sys:Smooth // Covina, CA (10:103/11.1)