• Re: arakNARC v1.0 (python Discord activity m

    From Spitfire@10:101/33 to All on Sunday, March 08, 2020 21:10:42
    It would be nice to get on Discord from a BBS. I am so ANTI WWW and more into getting people off the web and onto a BBS. We have JoinLink and IRC and hope to see MRC hooked up in the future.

    -Spitfire Inc presents 2 Unique Systems...

    Reign of Fire II BBS
    C-Net DS-2 BETA System - rof.cnet64.com:6400
    Reign of Fire BBS
    C-Net Amiga Pro BETA System - rofbbs.cnetbbs.net:2300 - 931-494-9100
    * C-Net/5

    * Origin: Reign of Fire C-Net Amiga Pro BETA System (10:101/33)
  • From Smooth@10:101/0 to Spitfire on Sunday, March 08, 2020 22:11:48
    On 08 Mar 2020, Spitfire said the following...
    It would be nice to get on Discord from a BBS. I am so ANTI WWW and more into getting people off the web and onto a BBS. We have
    JoinLink and IRC and hope to see MRC hooked up in the future.

    There is a way. I've already bridged an irc channel on my irc server to Discord. So if you connect via the bbs to IRC you can chat normally to the channel and it will post to Discord and responses will returne back to IRC.
    The only issue is that Discord won't be able to see what users are on IRC and vice versa. They will however see who's posting the messages as the bot that bridges the channels displays the user's name as part of the post.

    |07./~ |15Smooth |11+o |07~\.
    |07`\_ |15ArakNet |11WHQ |07_/`

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A43 2019/03/03 (Raspberry Pi/32)
    * Origin: ARAKNET://zeroNODE/wHQ - sysop:Smooth - covinaCA (10:101/0)
  • From Anachronist@10:101/20 to Smooth on Monday, March 09, 2020 15:37:49
    There's a new text chat channel on our Discord ArakNet server called "#araktivity". The mod allows you to monitor who logged on, logged off, entered (msg/file/door) areas, paged for sysop, and entered MRC chat. I'm looking at releasing it later tonite.

    Great work!

    cb»» cdaNACHRONiST c1| caabsinthebbs.net:1940q1

    --- CNet/5
    * Origin: aBSiNTHE BBS absinthebbs.net:1940 (10:101/20)
  • From Smooth@10:101/1 to Anachronist on Monday, March 16, 2020 12:18:33
    On 09 Mar 2020, Anachronist inked down this thought...
    Great work!

    Packaged and ready to distribute. :D

    |15sM|11OO|10T|02H |08(|15telnet |07>> |11bbs|03.|11inktwo|03.|11com|08) |05>|12> |14Avenue 5|15:
    |07A problem is actually a solution... without a SOLUTION!

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A46 2020/03/09 (Windows/32)
    * Origin: iNK tWO BBS : Covina,CA : telnet>bbs.inktwo.com (10:101/1)
  • From Spitfire@10:101/33 to Smooth on Monday, March 16, 2020 16:54:37
    On Sun 8-Mar-2020 10:11p, Smooth@10:101/0.0 said to Spitfire:
    There is a way. I've already bridged an irc channel on my irc server to Discord. So if you connect via the bbs to IRC you can chat normally to
    channel and it will post to Discord and responses will returne back to
    The only issue is that Discord won't be able to see what users are on IRC and
    vice versa. They will however see who's posting the messages as the bot that
    bridges the channels displays the user's name as part of the post.

    What is the server and channel so I can test this out on RoF?

    -Spitfire Inc presents 2 Unique Systems...

    Reign of Fire II BBS
    C-Net DS-2 BETA System - rof.cnet64.com:6400
    Reign of Fire BBS
    C-Net Amiga Pro BETA System - rofbbs.cnetbbs.net:2300 - 931-494-9100
    * C-Net/5

    * Origin: rofbbs.cnetbbs.net:2300 * rof.cnet64.com:6400 (10:101/33)
  • From Smooth@10:103/0.2 to Spitfire on Monday, March 16, 2020 23:12:12
    On 16 Mar 2020, Spitfire said the following...
    What is the server and channel so I can test this out on RoF?

    The IRC server is:
    irc.araknet.xyz port: 6668

    irc channel:
    #araknet -> on araknet discord server #lounge

    |12_.. .
    |12/ |15smo|11oth |03__ _.|13.|12. |14.
    |12\_.. .|07< |15dungeon|11BBS |07> |03°|10°

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A46 2020/03/09 (Windows/64)
    * Origin: // Dungeon BBS >> Deep In The Darkness! (10:103/0.2)