• aBSiNTHE Maps Launch

    From Anachronist@10:101/20 to All on Thursday, May 23, 2019 01:41:15

    It's out! ceaBSiNTHE Mapsq1 gives you the features of applications such as ceGoogle Mapsq1 or ceMapquestq1 right from your BBS terminal. Wrapped in a
    slick and familiar interface are powerful features such as:

    cb* ceGet step-by-step directions between addresses with distance and travel time estimate display via an intuitive scrolling interface

    cb* ceDownload an isometric 2D map in either ceJPGq1 cborq1 ceAmiga IFFq1 format

    cb* ceDownload a text file with directions formatted for printing

    cb* cetoggle miles/kilometers display

    cb ceSave your favorite addresses as cekeywordsq1 with a cefull management

    Future versions will bring more features such as extended cepoint of interestq1 support

    This will eventually be a c6PHENOMq1 release for all cbAmiga C-NETq1 boards, but for now come check it out- where else but caaBSiNTHE BBSq1!

    c6aNACHRONiST cb| caaBSiNTHE BBSq1
    --- CNet/5
    * Origin: aBSiNTHE BBS absinthebbs.net:1940 (10:101/20)
  • From Dotoran@10:101/33 to Anachronist on Thursday, May 23, 2019 06:30:51
    You, young man, are NUTS! Not only are you bringing out neat new files for CNet, but from avenues never even thought about, like RADIO, NASA, and now MAPS! Bravo! Keep'em coming!
    n1cdDc5otoran c6of cbFrontiers BBS cbfrontiersc6.cddotoranc6.cacomc6:c99892
    --- CNet/5
    * Origin: Reign of Fire: rofbbs.cnetbbs.net:2300 * (931)/494-9100 (10:101/33)
  • From Anachronist@10:101/20 to Dotoran on Thursday, May 23, 2019 14:45:49

    You, young man, are NUTS! Not only are you bringing out neat new files for

    Haha I may be!

    CNet, but from avenues never even thought about, like RADIO, NASA, and now MAPS! Bravo! Keep'em coming!
    Thank you for the kind words! You're bringing out very cool things as well, I love your game releases. Let's make some killer stuff for cbC-NETq1 this year

    c6aNACHRONiST cb| caaBSiNTHE BBSq1

    z0cA.z0cFz0cA------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------.z0
    z0cA|z0cD "All you have to do is live long enough." - Duncan MacLeod z0cA|z0 z0cA`------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----'z0

    --- CNet/5
    * Origin: aBSiNTHE BBS absinthebbs.net:1940 (10:101/20)