• B'Tronix Calendar Mod

    From Smooth@10:101/1 to All on Monday, January 07, 2019 00:33:10
    I've just released the bbs mod : B'Tronix Calendar v1.0 by Maskreet. This
    mod requires PHP 5+ to run. Any system that supports it (Windows,
    Linux, or Mac) will be able to run this mod. It will utilize the
    Blocktronics 2019 ANSI Calendar and generate a dynamic ANSI calendar that
    will have the current day highlighted.

    If your system is on ArakNet, I've hatched this file for distribution. For
    all others who are not on ArakNet, you can download it from:


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    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A39 2018/04/21 (Windows/32)
    * Origin: ARAKNET://INKTWO/where?=CovinaCA (10:101/1)