• MRChat v1.2.9 Status

    From Smooth@10:101/1 to All on Monday, April 08, 2019 01:09:37
    MRChat v1.2.9 Status

    One of the cool add-ons for Multi-Relay Chat v1.2.9 is the updated
    MRChat Status mod that comes with this release. You can display a
    status of:

    1) # of BBSes are connected
    2) # of Rooms are created
    3) # of Chatters online
    4) Current Activity (non, low, med, high)

    There could be chatters in the channel and yet the activity is non
    signifying that their idling or trolling MRC. It's a cool feature to be
    able to see if theirs a good amount of chatter going on before jumping
    in to MRC. You can customize your status if you're brave enough to dive
    into the script. It's not that bad to customize as the code is fairly
    easy to read. Be sure to back up the original file and work with a copy
    of the status mod prior to making any changes.

    |03+-|02-|10--|11---|15- - -- - -
    |03: |15sM|11OO|10T|02H |15<|08< |07FUEL|04.|07iMPURE|04.|07pHENOM |08>|15> |03+-|02-|10--|11---|15- - -- - -
    |03: |15telnet |07>> |11bbs|03.|11inktwo|03.|11com |10port |1523 |03+-|02-|10--|11---|15- - -- - -

    |08|11f|03avorite |11q|03uote|02:
    |09theKnight: look mom! no facebook!

    --- Mystic BBS/NNTP v1.12 A43 2019/03/03 (Windows/32)
    * Origin: iNK tWO BBS : Covina,CA : telnet>bbs.inktwo.com (10:101/1)
  • From Hawk Hubbard@10:101/2 to Smooth on Monday, April 08, 2019 12:31:23
    4) Current Activity (non, low, med, high)

    ^^^ thats NUL not non :)

    To recap: NUL LOW MED HI

    Thank you and have a nice day.
    Official spell checker in residence for Smooth

    |07 |00 |01ú |14H|12a|04wk|07 |04Hubba|12r|14d
    |14 |01 |08+o |14B|12l|04ack Fl|12a|14g |01ú|09 telnet:blackflagbbs.com|07

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A43 2019/03/03 (Windows/32)
    * Origin: Black Flag <ACiD Telnet HQ> blackflagbbs.com (10:101/2)
  • From Smooth@10:101/1 to Hawk Hubbard on Monday, April 08, 2019 11:13:16
    On 08 Apr 2019, Hawk Hubbard inked down this thought...
    To recap: NUL LOW MED HI

    Thank you and have a nice day.

    You're too funny, Hawk. Stack and I worked out the activity display.
    I'm just defining it terms that people may understand. I specified NON
    because NUL means NON, NONE as in NO activity.

    |03Ú-|02-|10-Ä|11ÄÄ-|15- - -ú ú ú
    |03: |15sM|11OO|10T|02H |15<|08< |07FUEL|04.|07iMPURE|04.|07pHENOM |08>|15> |03Ã-|02-|10-Ä|11ÄÄ-|15- - -ú ú ú
    |03: |15telnet |07>> |11bbs|03.|11inktwo|03.|11com |10port |1523 |03À-|02-|10-Ä|11ÄÄ-|15- - -ú ú ú

    |08|11f|03avorite |11q|03uote|02:
    |14tK: |11"|07look |15MOM|08! |07no |15INTERNET|08!|11"

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A43 2019/03/03 (Windows/32)
    * Origin: iNK tWO BBS : Covina,CA : telnet>bbs.inktwo.com (10:101/1)
  • From Gryphon@10:101/11 to Smooth on Monday, April 08, 2019 17:15:53
    On 08 Apr 2019 &4, Smooth said the following...

    MRChat v1.2.9 Status

    One of the cool add-ons for Multi-Relay Chat v1.2.9 is the updated
    MRChat Status mod that comes with this release. You can display a
    status of:

    1) # of BBSes are connected
    2) # of Rooms are created
    3) # of Chatters online
    4) Current Activity (non, low, med, high)

    There could be chatters in the channel and yet the activity is non signifying that their idling or trolling MRC. It's a cool feature to be able to see if theirs a good amount of chatter going on before jumping
    in to MRC. You can customize your status if you're brave enough to dive into the script. It's not that bad to customize as the code is fairly easy to read. Be sure to back up the original file and work with a copy of the status mod prior to making any changes.

    With regard to using the status mods to check activity before diving in,
    don't forget the /data/mrc/mrcchat.log file that shows all the activity that you may have missed.`

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A43 2019/03/02 (Linux/64)
    * Origin: Cyberia BBS | cyberiabbs.zapto.org | San Jose, CA (10:101/11)
  • From StackFault@10:102/3 to Gryphon on Tuesday, April 09, 2019 12:51:03
    With regard to using the status mods to check activity before diving in, don't forget the /data/mrc/mrcchat.log file that shows all the activity that you may have missed.`

    This will go away very soon as I will be enabling my deterministic routing engine. Currently it still runs in broadcast mode for legacy support but not for very long. As soon as I am done with the engine testing, this file will include only traffic the BBS was entitled to see by having an actual user in
    a room the message was destined or a private message to a user on that BBS.
    Any other traffic will not be sent by the server to non-participating BBSes.

    This is all server-side based so no other release will be necessary for that and everything is already in place on the client side.

    I have tested this engine last week but there was some small things to fix, I might be able to do another test in the coming weeks. This is something I
    want to have in place asap.


    |15 ß Þ |15StackFault |08<|03.|11.|15P|11h|03EN|11o|15M|11.|03.|08>
    |11 Ý ß |11The Bottomless Abyss BBS
    |03 ß Ýß |03ssh|08.|072222 |08/ |03telnet|08.|072023 |08/ |03https
    |08 ÜþÞ |08bbs|07.|08bottomlessabyss|07.|08net

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A43 2019/03/02 (Linux/64)
    * Origin: The Bottomless Abyss BBS * bbs.bottomlessabyss.net (10:102/3)
  • From Smooth@10:101/1 to Gryphon on Tuesday, April 09, 2019 10:03:25
    On 08 Apr 2019, Gryphon inked down this thought...
    With regard to using the status mods to check activity before diving in, don't forget the /data/mrc/mrcchat.log file that shows all the activity that you may have missed.`

    Thanks for bringing that up, Gryphon. Great tip! :D

    |03Ú-|02-|10-Ä|11ÄÄ-|15- - -ú ú ú
    |03: |15sM|11OO|10T|02H |15<|08< |07FUEL|04.|07iMPURE|04.|07pHENOM |08>|15> |03Ã-|02-|10-Ä|11ÄÄ-|15- - -ú ú ú
    |03: |15telnet |07>> |11bbs|03.|11inktwo|03.|11com |10port |1523 |03À-|02-|10-Ä|11ÄÄ-|15- - -ú ú ú

    |08|11f|03avorite |11q|03uote|02:
    |14tK: |11"|07look |15MOM|08! |07no |15INTERNET|08!|11"

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A43 2019/03/03 (Windows/32)
    * Origin: iNK tWO BBS : Covina,CA : telnet>bbs.inktwo.com (10:101/1)