• Re: politicks

    From paulie420@911:1503/0 to hollowone on Monday, December 25, 2023 19:26:42
    I really wish Biden would have announced, a year ago, that he wasn't running in 2024

    Do you think that if Biden runs re-election campain then Trump simply
    just wins?

    No, not 'just wins' - there is a lot of anti-Trump support, and I think they'll be trying hard, again, to create some issue where they make a stand for mass-mail-in voting again. I agree with mail-in voting, as its been for decades, but not mass - Americans should have to inquire about it; send everyone a postcard and thats not an election. (IMO)

    I do, however, see an instance where Trump eeks out another win - you can see, this time, media already gearing people up to it; not like in 2016 - they're already making statements like 'if Trump wins'.

    My point is; I don't think either one of them - Biden/Trump - is good for America IN 2024... Biden should have spoken up a year ago and backed someone strong. I think that would have been their best play...

    Another point of mine; I don't think either candidate has the American people in their forefront... time will tell, I suppose - it sure is gonna be fun watching the shit show.


    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A48 (Linux/64)
    * Origin: 2o fOr beeRS bbS>>20ForBeers.com:1337 (911:1503/0)
  • From esc@911:1719/0 to paulie420 on Monday, December 25, 2023 21:58:15
    Another point of mine; I don't think either candidate has the American people in their forefront... time will tell, I suppose - it sure is
    gonna be fun watching the shit show.

    Seriously. I'm 41 and I feel old and out of touch. WTF do 80 years olds know about things important to the majority of people in this country? It's crazy. Imagine turning 18 and going to the polls to pick which octogenarian you think has your best interests. Ugh...

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A49 2023/02/26 (Linux/64)
    * Origin: m O N T E R E Y b B S . c O M (911:1719/0)
  • From paulie420@911:1503/0 to esc on Monday, December 25, 2023 22:28:05
    Another point of mine; I don't think either candidate has the America people in their forefront... time will tell, I suppose - it sure is gonna be fun watching the shit show.

    Seriously. I'm 41 and I feel old and out of touch. WTF do 80 years olds know about things important to the majority of people in this country? It's crazy. Imagine turning 18 and going to the polls to pick which octogenarian you think has your best interests. Ugh...

    I'm 44 and have just started paying attention the last few... somehow, or another, I feel like these next 13 months are going to be 'pivitol' - but prolly not, in reality... just another turn of the page.


    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A48 (Linux/64)
    * Origin: 2o fOr beeRS bbS>>20ForBeers.com:1337 (911:1503/0)
  • From hollowone@911:1503/0 to paulie420 on Tuesday, December 26, 2023 02:45:42
    Do you think that if Biden runs re-election campain then Trump simply just wins?
    No, not 'just wins' - there is a lot of anti-Trump support, and I think they'll be trying hard, again, to create some issue where they make a stand for mass-mail-in voting again. I agree with mail-in voting, as its been for decades, but not mass - Americans should have to inquire about it; send everyone a postcard and thats not an election. (IMO)

    We share a lot in common these days in politics (between Poland and USA).

    We also tried to have mail-in voting during COVID as a part of campaign that could save the conservatives who were ruling for years. We shared a lot of false-patriotism related messages in the public debate to wake up some "Poland first" sentiment. We've built a wall to separate us from Belarus and Russian occupied Koenigsberg area (small part of Eastern Prussia they've kept for themselves after WWII). "We" have banned abortion and many other things I hear are also a common problem/challenge in the public debates in your country.

    This year we had another election for the parliament and something like your Democrats have won. Which is important milestone achieved after 8 years of conservative rule. They're instantly trying to revert many things done by our Polish "Republicans" but the country is already almost 50/50 between these two major parties and the rest are just more extreme right and left diversions of the same thing.

    Politics become more radical so instead of having both major moves more central with some a bit of left and a bit of right scent... now it's woke-progressivism vs. fascism-risking-ultimate-conservatism...

    Very dangerous as not only politicians are divided.. whole society is very polarized and the quality of various pubic and private discussions is just plain comedy if you only can keep your distance.

    Unfortunately, distance is not always an option... sometimes you just need to slap somebody's face with a large trout.


    ... Xerox Alto was the thing. Anything after we use is just a mere copy.

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A48 (Linux/64)
    * Origin: 2o fOr beeRS bbS>>20ForBeers.com:1337 (911:1503/0)
  • From paulie420@911:1503/0 to hollowone on Tuesday, December 26, 2023 16:31:42
    We also tried to have mail-in voting during COVID as a part of campaign that could save the conservatives who were ruling for years. We shared a lot of false-patriotism related messages in the public debate to wake up some "Poland first" sentiment. We've built a wall to separate us from Belarus and Russian occupied Koenigsberg area (small part of Eastern Prussia they've kept for themselves after WWII). "We" have banned
    abortion and many other things I hear are also a common
    problem/challenge in the public debates in your country.

    I am NOT against mail-in voting - in fact, I think we should have secure, safe, fair ELECTRONIC voting. Don't tell me that we don't have the technology to doso - it could be open-source code and verified 'good'... but anyway - the only thing I disagree with is blanket mail-in voting - sending every 'voter' a card and believing that that's fair, honest and true.

    Every far-right OR far-left person will fill out as many cards as they can get their eyes on.

    This year we had another election for the parliament and something like your Democrats have won. Which is important milestone achieved after 8 years of conservative rule. They're instantly trying to revert many
    things done by our Polish "Republicans" but the country is already
    almost 50/50 between these two major parties and the rest are just more extreme right and left diversions of the same thing.

    I believe this in both politics and at the dinner table - the world has become way too divided. When I was a youngster, people with differing opinions sat and talked about them - made points and listened to others... it seems that is extinct. (Wow; I didn't know extinct was spelled that way - kudos Mystic??)

    IMO we should burn the whole thing down and take business out of politics - I just don't think it will ever happen.

    Politics become more radical so instead of having both major moves more central with some a bit of left and a bit of right scent... now it's woke-progressivism vs. fascism-risking-ultimate-conservatism...

    Very dangerous as not only politicians are divided.. whole society is
    very polarized and the quality of various pubic and private discussions
    is just plain comedy if you only can keep your distance.

    Yea - I think we agree with each other a lot more than we don't... I hear you, as stated.


    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A48 (Linux/64)
    * Origin: 2o fOr beeRS bbS>>20ForBeers.com:1337 (911:1503/0)
  • From esc@911:1719/0 to paulie420 on Tuesday, December 26, 2023 18:11:24
    Every far-right OR far-left person will fill out as many cards as they
    can get their eyes on.

    Respectfully this isn't the case. The penalties for doing so are extremely steep and there is zero evidence of this having been done in any substantial way, even in states (like mine) that have had mass mail-in voting for a long time.

    I believe this in both politics and at the dinner table - the world has become way too divided. When I was a youngster, people with differing opinions sat and talked about them - made points and listened to
    others... it seems that is extinct. (Wow; I didn't know extinct was spelled that way - kudos Mystic??)

    Yeah, people would get heated but politics never broke up families back in the day. Sad :(

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A49 2023/02/26 (Linux/64)
    * Origin: m O N T E R E Y b B S . c O M (911:1719/0)
  • From paulie420@911:1503/0 to esc on Wednesday, December 27, 2023 18:26:56
    Every far-right OR far-left person will fill out as many cards as the can get their eyes on.

    Respectfully this isn't the case. The penalties for doing so are
    extremely steep and there is zero evidence of this having been done in
    any substantial way, even in states (like mine) that have had mass
    mail-in voting for a long time.

    I don't think you (anyone) can make your first statement. I think of how many heads of households ticked one side or the other for every 18+ member of the household - and whether you believe it was substantial or not, this is one of the items we literally have video of happening dozens of times. And not just dozens of times, but by individuals who dumped box fulls of ballots over and over again. (I can cite the videos, but they're online... one BMW pulls up 6+ times with boxes of ballots over days... one city hall had multiple employee's dumping in the same ballot box, etc etc.)

    Yeah, people would get heated but politics never broke up families back
    in the day. Sad :(

    I think we need to come together - the main thing. So I didn't like blanket mail-in voting - others want more access for voters who don't have the resources to get out to the vote. OK; compromise, we allow mail-in ballots to anyone with legal U.S. citizenship - ID (not realID) or some other form of verification - easy, don't have to get a passport but you do have to raise your hand and show that yer a U.S. citizen...

    One reason I lean right of center is I don't want my 1&2A rights messed with - but I agree that gun violence is a concern; give a little, GET a little and move towards fixing issues...

    Seems like ANY give/get mentality, however, is gone both in the govt and at the dinner table.


    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A48 (Linux/64)
    * Origin: 2o fOr beeRS bbS>>20ForBeers.com:1337 (911:1503/0)
  • From paulie420@911:1503/0 to esc on Wednesday, December 27, 2023 18:28:44
    Respectfully this isn't the case. The penalties for doing so are
    extremely steep and there is zero evidence of this having been done in
    any substantial way, even in states (like mine) that have had mass
    mail-in voting for a long time.

    Oh, and last point - no, CA hasn't had *mass* mail-in voting for a long time. In 2020, a ballot was sent to every registered voter. Even in CA/NY/etc states, voters had to ask for mail-in... 2020 was much different - and IMO that gets abused more than you, or I, can prove/disprove.


    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A48 (Linux/64)
    * Origin: 2o fOr beeRS bbS>>20ForBeers.com:1337 (911:1503/0)
  • From esc@911:1719/0 to paulie420 on Thursday, December 28, 2023 00:05:20
    I don't think you (anyone) can make your first statement. I think of how many heads of households ticked one side or the other for every 18+
    member of the household - and whether you believe it was substantial or not, this is one of the items we literally have video of happening
    dozens of times. And not just dozens of times, but by individuals who dumped box fulls of ballots over and over again. (I can cite the videos, but they're online... one BMW pulls up 6+ times with boxes of ballots
    over days... one city hall had multiple employee's dumping in the same ballot box, etc etc.)

    Respectfully agree to disagree in that case. :) Every investigation into fraud has determined incidences to be so uncommon they're ineffectual in outcomes of elections. But I digress, and don't wanna argue with you or anything :)

    I think we need to come together - the main thing. So I didn't like blanket mail-in voting - others want more access for voters who don't
    have the resources to get out to the vote. OK; compromise, we allow mail-in ballots to anyone with legal U.S. citizenship - ID (not realID)
    or some other form of verification - easy, don't have to get a passport but you do have to raise your hand and show that yer a U.S. citizen


    Separately, voting in our country is a bit insane. The system is one by which the majority of us will never have a candidate actually represent us. I wish we'd have some sort of major reform in our political and electoral systems, there's really no other way to excite people to take part in the process unless they're motivated by anger and hatred of "the other side". It's unfortunate :(

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A49 2023/02/26 (Linux/64)
    * Origin: m O N T E R E Y b B S . c O M (911:1719/0)
  • From esc@911:1719/0 to paulie420 on Thursday, December 28, 2023 00:09:51
    Oh, and last point - no, CA hasn't had *mass* mail-in voting for a long time. In 2020, a ballot was sent to every registered voter. Even in CA/NY/etc states, voters had to ask for mail-in... 2020 was much
    different - and IMO that gets abused more than you, or I, can prove/disprove.

    *shrug* Guess I never really paid attention :P I've been a California resident for over a decade and my ballots have always been by mail. I guess I checked a box or something when I registered to get my ballot by mail or something? Who knows lol. All I know is it's easy and I dig it. And California does a great job of mailing voter info out as well to educate people about the issues and the candidates. It's all a very positive experience.

    But yeah to your earlier point, I guess if mom and dad fill out their kids' ballots while they're away at school or something, that's shitty. Anywho, all I know is the voting process for me is far less dissatisfying than things like the electoral college, primaries, the existence of the US Senate, etc., but it's not like we can just throw the baby out with the bathwater at this point. I'll just continue being dissatisfied and do my best with what I've got. :/

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A49 2023/02/26 (Linux/64)
    * Origin: m O N T E R E Y b B S . c O M (911:1719/0)
  • From jack phlash@911:1423/0 to esc on Thursday, December 28, 2023 09:04:52
    on 28 Dec 2023, esc said...

    *shrug* Guess I never really paid attention :P I've been a California resident for over a decade and my ballots have always been by mail. I guess I checked a box or something when I registered to get my ballot by mail or something? Who knows lol. All I know is it's easy and I dig it. And California does a great job of mailing voter info out as well to educate people about the issues and the candidates. It's all a very positive experience.

    I've talked about this here before so I'm not going to dive into it, but we have a pretty nice vote-by-mail system here in Washington too. It might older than CAs, too. I think we first started doing it in mass in 2011 but did it in only certain counties and special circumstances long before that, starting in 1983. The article I'm reading that talks a bit about the background of vote-by-mail in Washington mentions that there were only 7 documented cases of vote-by-mail fraud before 2011, and also talks a lot about a sophisticated system of signature analysis they use to compare how a ballot is signed versus what is on the voters drivers license/id card. The main thing I'll say is that it is 100%, without a doubt, a FARRRRRRRRRRRR more convenient way to participate in the democratic process. To some people, that is exactly the main problem with it.

    But yeah to your earlier point, I guess if mom and dad fill out their kids' ballots while they're away at school or something, that's shitty. Anywho, all I know is the voting process for me is far less
    dissatisfying than things like the electoral college, primaries, the existence of the US Senate, etc., but it's not like we can just throw
    the baby out with the bathwater at this point. I'll just continue being dissatisfied and do my best with what I've got. :/

    Are these kids 18 or older and registered to vote? Otherwise, their ballots would be invalid, if they'd even be sent them in the first place. I honestly think our system has much larger issues than vote-by-mail fraud, ballot box tampering, and other such shenanigans that I can't imagine we'll ever overcome, that all of the turmoil over these topics feels more like a distraction than a serious issue.

    |07j |15A C K |07p |15H L A S H |07!

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 2021/12/25 (Windows/32)
    * Origin: d i s t o r t i o n // d1st.org (911:1423/0)
  • From paulie420@911:1503/0 to esc on Thursday, December 28, 2023 18:33:36
    Respectfully agree to disagree in that case. :) Every investigation into fraud has determined incidences to be so uncommon they're ineffectual in outcomes of elections. But I digress, and don't wanna argue with you or anything :)

    I think the main point is willingness to hear opposing ideas and respond with compromise.

    I think mail-in voting should be opt-in with ID...

    Separately, voting in our country is a bit insane. The system is one by which the majority of us will never have a candidate actually represent us. I wish we'd have some sort of major reform in our political and electoral systems, there's really no other way to excite people to take part in the process unless they're motivated by anger and hatred of "the other side". It's unfortunate :(

    Here's where I think I could agree - the electoral systems seem like they've been raped and ravaged for so long that the county lines don't make sense anymore. I'd love a simple majority, or would support re-thinking the electoral lines/system.


    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A48 (Linux/64)
    * Origin: 2o fOr beeRS bbS>>20ForBeers.com:1337 (911:1503/0)
  • From paulie420@911:1503/0 to esc on Thursday, December 28, 2023 18:36:26
    *shrug* Guess I never really paid attention :P I've been a California resident for over a decade and my ballots have always been by mail.

    You asked for it and your ID was verified - I know, I know they prolly didn't scan your ID and whatnot, but you had to 'prove' citizenship usually at the DMV or another time where you're doing govt stuff.

    The only think I disagree with is mass-mailing of ballots to every US registered voter. For example, I broke up with my Texas GF over 4 years ago - sure, I didn't do things perfectly like getting a new license and on time and what not, but guess who got my 2020 ballot card? I didn't even live there... I digress tho - we just need to be open to working together as a country IMO.


    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A48 (Linux/64)
    * Origin: 2o fOr beeRS bbS>>20ForBeers.com:1337 (911:1503/0)
  • From hollowone@911:1503/0 to paulie420 on Friday, December 29, 2023 13:35:25
    You asked for it and your ID was verified - I know, I know they prolly didn't scan your ID and whatnot, but you had to 'prove' citizenship usually at the DMV or another time where you're doing govt stuff.

    Do you have electronic-ID and electronic Social Security number verification/authoring and management as e-service provided to citizens in US?

    We have it in Poland for more than 10 years and this is absolutely brilliant to mange lots of public affairs in the country without even leaving home.


    ... Xerox Alto was the thing. Anything after we use is just a mere copy.

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A48 (Linux/64)
    * Origin: 2o fOr beeRS bbS>>20ForBeers.com:1337 (911:1503/0)
  • From paulie420@911:1503/0 to hollowone on Friday, December 29, 2023 20:39:01
    Do you have electronic-ID and electronic Social Security number verification/authoring and management as e-service provided to citizens
    in US?

    We have it in Poland for more than 10 years and this is absolutely brilliant to mange lots of public affairs in the country without even leaving home.

    The right wants 'Real-ID' and the left is fighting it tooth and nail.


    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A48 (Linux/64)
    * Origin: 2o fOr beeRS bbS>>20ForBeers.com:1337 (911:1503/0)
  • From hollowone@911:1503/0 to paulie420 on Saturday, December 30, 2023 01:31:38
    The right wants 'Real-ID' and the left is fighting it tooth and nail.

    Ok, so still WiP?


    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A48 (Linux/64)
    * Origin: 2o fOr beeRS bbS>>20ForBeers.com:1337 (911:1503/0)
  • From jack phlash@911:1423/0 to paulie420 on Saturday, December 30, 2023 13:48:51
    on 29 Dec 2023, paulie420 said...

    The right wants 'Real-ID' and the left is fighting it tooth and nail.

    Definitely an overly politicized issued on both sides. Democrats view this as an attempt to disenfranchise some voters (which are, conveniently, mostly their voters) by the Republicans, which, hey, it probably is. But, requiring ID for certain services doesn't sound like a terrible thing on its own to most people, though similar to concerns about disenfranchisement, requiring IDs for other government services will disproportionately hurt the people who need those services the most. Beyond that, a lot of people have numerous privacy concerns over the new ID, but I don't think real-id will change much for most people, but then I also don't think it'll do a damn thing to resolve anything when it comes to politicized fears and accusations of voter fraud.

    |07j |15A C K |07p |15H L A S H |07!

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 2021/12/25 (Windows/32)
    * Origin: d i s t o r t i o n // d1st.org (911:1423/0)
  • From paulie420@911:1503/0 to jack phlash on Saturday, December 30, 2023 21:18:25
    The right wants 'Real-ID' and the left is fighting it tooth and nail.

    Definitely an overly politicized issued on both sides. Democrats view
    this as an attempt to disenfranchise some voters (which are,
    conveniently, mostly their voters) by the Republicans, which, hey, it probably is. But, requiring ID for certain services doesn't sound like a terrible thing on its own to most people, though similar to concerns
    about disenfranchisement, requiring IDs for other government services
    will disproportionately hurt the people who need those services the
    most. Beyond that, a lot of people have numerous privacy concerns over
    the new ID, but I don't think real-id will change much for most people, but then I also don't think it'll do a damn thing to resolve anything
    when it comes to politicized fears and accusations of voter fraud.

    I don't need some new-fangled 'realID' or anything, but yes... I think to vote in Amerikkka you should have to prove your citizenship. Like we all do - when you renew yer drivers license, you register...

    The only thing I disagree with is blanket mailing of... ya'll have heard it before. :P


    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A48 (Linux/64)
    * Origin: 2o fOr beeRS bbS>>20ForBeers.com:1337 (911:1503/0)
  • From hollowone@911:1503/0 to jack phlash on Sunday, December 31, 2023 07:35:34
    The right wants 'Real-ID' and the left is fighting it tooth and nail.

    Definitely an overly politicized issued on both sides. Democrats view
    this as an attempt to disenfranchise some voters (which are,
    conveniently, mostly their voters) by the Republicans, which, hey, it

    The way it works in Poland is that you actually have both options.
    Your real-id document is still a legitimate ID document and respected internationally (or at least in EU).

    The electronic-id is used to support various e-gov services targeting citizens. And it's purely optional, yet the way services are organized are highly promotional for e-id. It's simply very easy to use it.

    But other fact is that I use it in most cases to the benefit of the country, not mine.. and half of the use cases are associated with financial and other regulatory controlling.


    ... Xerox Alto was the thing. Anything after we use is just a mere copy.

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A48 (Linux/64)
    * Origin: 2o fOr beeRS bbS>>20ForBeers.com:1337 (911:1503/0)
  • From paulie420@911:1503/0 to hollowone on Sunday, December 31, 2023 12:16:36
    [In Poland...]
    The electronic-id is used to support various e-gov services targeting citizens. And it's purely optional, yet the way services are organized
    are highly promotional for e-id. It's simply very easy to use it.

    While its controversial, I think we could have fully electronic voting thats safe and secure - I do think you'd need something like RealID for that to work, but people without could always just use old ways...

    I recently heard about a country that is FULLY electronic - from health care to voting to everything; damn, what country was it??? Estonia???

    https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20171019-could-estonia-be-the-first-digital -country

    In some future, I see a way where we can securely vote from our iPhones - it makes all the sense in the world, to me.


    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A48 (Linux/64)
    * Origin: 2o fOr beeRS bbS>>20ForBeers.com:1337 (911:1503/0)
  • From hollowone@911:1503/0 to paulie420 on Monday, January 01, 2024 01:32:59
    I recently heard about a country that is FULLY electronic - from health care to voting to everything; damn, what country was it??? Estonia???

    Yeah, Estonia is very tech-savvy but it's relatively easier for them as their country population is less than Portland metro area. :)

    Moving double digit million people country forward at their speed is super challenging. Moving triple digit million country into digital world may take decades.

    I remember when I was in US in 2005 for the first time and I was surprised how bad wifi and networking bandwidths your ISPs and telco provide comparing to Europe and my country in specific which offered about 50-100MBit for about $25, back then! In US I had to enjoy $5-10 and locals explained to me simply "but who's gonna pay for the upgrade, not me"..

    We never asked that questions, we always only wanted to have the damn money for the upgrade available and the market leaders knew that so they kept improving infrastructure and today all our cities and a lot of rural areas are on fiber offering me 600MBit for less than $20 and max cap is 1Gbit in consumer orientated offerings.

    I also don't think I was ever asked, nor our left or right wings did in the parliament, at least too much, if we want to be more electronic.

    I think this is one of the civilizational catch-up opportunity for all of us who over-ruled communism and turned into capitalism and western alliances, that we want to be bleeding-edge of the technology to effectively compete.

    Estonia is super brilliant in all of that!


    ... Xerox Alto was the thing. Anything after we use is just a mere copy.

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A48 (Linux/64)
    * Origin: 2o fOr beeRS bbS>>20ForBeers.com:1337 (911:1503/0)
  • From paulie420@911:1503/0 to hollowone on Monday, January 01, 2024 16:56:03
    I recently heard about a country that is FULLY electronic - from heal care to voting to everything; damn, what country was it??? Estonia???

    Yeah, Estonia is very tech-savvy but it's relatively easier for them as their country population is less than Portland metro area. :)

    Moving double digit million people country forward at their speed is
    super challenging. Moving triple digit million country into digital
    world may take decades.

    Ah, right - I hadn't thought about the difference of 100x larger, but still worthy of working towards.

    We never asked that questions, we always only wanted to have the damn money for the upgrade available and the market leaders knew that so they kept improving infrastructure and today all our cities and a lot of
    rural areas are on fiber offering me 600MBit for less than $20 and max
    cap is 1Gbit in consumer orientated offerings.

    We finally have fiber in 'most' places in the states now, but we still pay up for it. Minimum of $100/mo in my experience...


    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A48 (Linux/64)
    * Origin: 2o fOr beeRS bbS>>20ForBeers.com:1337 (911:1503/0)
  • From metalhead@911:1423/0 to paulie420 on Thursday, January 04, 2024 10:16:46
    Oh, and last point - no, CA hasn't had *mass* mail-in voting for a long time. In 2020, a ballot was sent to every registered voter. Even in CA/NY/etc states, voters had to ask for mail-in... 2020 was much
    different - and IMO that gets abused more than you, or I, can prove/disprove.

    I'm a NYer. They mailed me a ballot in 2020 without me asking, due to COVID-19. I still have the ballot. I'm convinced that COVID-19 was used for two purposes: to get Trump out of office, and to test their depopulation agenda out with viruses. Next time, they will attack us with something deadlier than viruses, if they want "better" numbers.

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 2021/12/25 (Windows/32)
    * Origin: d i s t o r t i o n // d1st.org (911:1423/0)
  • From esc@911:1719/0 to metalhead on Thursday, January 04, 2024 15:04:10
    I'm a NYer. They mailed me a ballot in 2020 without me asking, due to COVID-19. I still have the ballot. I'm convinced that COVID-19 was used for two purposes: to get Trump out of office, and to test their depopulation agenda out with viruses. Next time, they will attack us
    with something deadlier than viruses, if they want "better" numbers.

    The entire world let millions of people die so that democrats could get Trump out of office?

    There have been many SARS variations which could have done the same (or worse) which were luckily contained. This one, sadly, was not. And there have been pandemics throughout history, it's not super uncommon.

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A49 2023/02/26 (Linux/64)
    * Origin: m O N T E R E Y b B S . c O M (911:1719/0)
  • From paulie420@911:1503/0 to metalhead on Thursday, January 04, 2024 19:03:54
    I'm a NYer. They mailed me a ballot in 2020 without me asking, due to COVID-19. I still have the ballot. I'm convinced that COVID-19 was used for two purposes: to get Trump out of office, and to test their depopulation agenda out with viruses. Next time, they will attack us
    with something deadlier than viruses, if they want "better" numbers.

    I don't go that far, at all, but I am concerned about 2024 - hope others respond if this is rhetoric, but if migrants whom are being processed for asylum and/or illegal immigrants are allowed to vote in 2024 the entire thing is a crock.

    Kinda funny that they let Ms of ppl in during these last 4 years and somehow or another they're allowed to vote and/or get insurance/welfare - its wrong. We allow legal entry, and a pathway to citizenship (with voting!), legally...


    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A48 (Linux/64)
    * Origin: 2o fOr beeRS bbS>>20ForBeers.com:1337 (911:1503/0)
  • From paulie420@911:1503/0 to esc on Thursday, January 04, 2024 19:04:46
    The entire world let millions of people die so that democrats could get Trump out of office?

    Agreed (that I don't agree) 100%. I do think COVID was handled badly, and that it was man-made - and WE were over there playing with virii just the same as China was... but it got out. Terrible.


    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A48 (Linux/64)
    * Origin: 2o fOr beeRS bbS>>20ForBeers.com:1337 (911:1503/0)
  • From NuSkooler@911:1801/0 to metalhead on Thursday, January 04, 2024 20:44:51

    On Thursday, January 4th metalhead muttered...
    I'm a NYer. They mailed me a ballot in 2020 without me asking, due to COVID-19. I still have the ballot. I'm convinced that COVID-19 was used for two purposes: to get Trump out of office, and to test their depopulation agenda out with viruses. Next time, they will attack us with something deadlier than viruses, if they want "better" numbers.

    Shit, I should have waited to read this one for the real prize.

    Trump is out of office because he lost. Oh, and you know, tried to organize a coup.

    Other fun facts: COVID-19 is real, and has killed millions of Americans mostly due to fuckbrains thinking it's a conspiracy. Remind you of anyone?

    |08 ■ |12NuSkooler |06// |12Xibalba |08- |07"|06The place of fear|07"
    |08 ■ |03xibalba|08.|03vip |08(|0344510|08/|03telnet|08, |0344511|08/|03ssh|08)
    |08 ■ |03ENiGMA 1/2 WHQ |08| |03Phenom |08| |0367 |08| |03iMPURE |08| |03ACiDic
    --- ENiGMA 1/2 v0.0.14-beta (linux; x64; 18.18.2)
    * Origin: Xibalba -+- xibalba.l33t.codes:44510 (911:1801/0)
  • From hollowone@911:1503/0 to paulie420 on Friday, January 05, 2024 06:08:22
    Trump out of office?

    Agreed (that I don't agree) 100%. I do think COVID was handled badly,
    and that it was man-made - and WE were over there playing with virii
    just the same as China was... but it got out. Terrible.

    Well natural or not, there is a culmination of factors that are effectively testing if US can maintain its global domination in XXI century.

    Many external powers obviously want to change the status quo in the world (Russia, Iran, China and more). Funny to see that there are also internal powers in US that basically want to turn US back to the beginning of XX's century's isolationism and that's where Trump is the agent.

    That's where American politics is extremely interesting right now from the foreign perspective as continuation of isolationism as a direction may not only change America but the world.


    ... Xerox Alto was the thing. Anything after we use is just a mere copy.

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A48 (Linux/64)
    * Origin: 2o fOr beeRS bbS>>20ForBeers.com:1337 (911:1503/0)
  • From metalhead@911:1423/0 to esc on Friday, January 05, 2024 07:33:36

    for two purposes: to get Trump out of office, and to test their depopulation agenda out with viruses. Next time, they will attack us with something deadlier than viruses, if they want "better" numbers.

    The entire world let millions of people die so that democrats could get Trump out of office?

    I think the primary reason was to test depopulation capabilities, but the timing of the testing came precisely when Democrats needed it to (it made the most ignorant voters think that the Pandemic was Trump's fault.)

    Other world leaders benefited from the Trump-removal also. Ukraine's Zelensky hit the jackpot, China avoided sanctions, El Salvador's worst criminals fled to the USA, Russia's taking Ukraine without retaliation from the USA, and the globalists as a whole.

    The little people didn't gain anything from covid-19, but the big guys did.

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 2021/12/25 (Windows/32)
    * Origin: d i s t o r t i o n // d1st.org (911:1423/0)
  • From metalhead@911:1423/0 to paulie420 on Friday, January 05, 2024 07:36:41

    with something deadlier than viruses, if they want "better" numbers.

    I don't go that far, at all, but I am concerned about 2024 - hope others respond if this is rhetoric, but if migrants whom are being processed for asylum and/or illegal immigrants are allowed to vote in 2024 the entire thing is a crock.

    I hope that my predictions are wrong.

    Kinda funny that they let Ms of ppl in during these last 4 years and somehow or another they're allowed to vote and/or get insurance/welfare
    - its wrong. We allow legal entry, and a pathway to citizenship (with voting!), legally...

    Everything we were taught in school about immigration, citizenship, and equality has been voided, that's for sure. Visas are now a thing of the past.

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 2021/12/25 (Windows/32)
    * Origin: d i s t o r t i o n // d1st.org (911:1423/0)
  • From metalhead@911:1423/0 to paulie420 on Friday, January 05, 2024 07:40:31
    Agreed (that I don't agree) 100%. I do think COVID was handled badly,
    and that it was man-made - and WE were over there playing with virii
    just the same as China was... but it got out. Terrible.

    I'm glad that you agree at least that much. One of Trump's flaws is that he won't admit that covid-19 is the USA's fault. Based on what we've been told by the media, the research involving mutating SARS to make it more deadly than it already is, was funded by the USA. We paid for it, our researchers participated, and our messed up country is to blame for it, at least partly.

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 2021/12/25 (Windows/32)
    * Origin: d i s t o r t i o n // d1st.org (911:1423/0)
  • From metalhead@911:1423/0 to NuSkooler on Friday, January 05, 2024 08:00:58
    I'm a NYer. They mailed me a ballot in 2020 without me asking, due to COVID-19. I still have the ballot. I'm convinced that COVID-19 was us for two purposes: to get Trump out of office, and to test their depopulation agenda out with viruses. Next time, they will attack us something deadlier than viruses, if they want "better" numbers.

    Shit, I should have waited to read this one for the real prize.

    Trump is out of office because he lost. Oh, and you know, tried to organize a coup.

    You can't have it both ways. Is he out because he lost or because he tried to overthrow the government?

    Other fun facts: COVID-19 is real, and has killed millions of Americans mostly due to fuckbrains thinking it's a conspiracy. Remind you of

    I take covid-19 seriously. I wear an n95 mask everywhere I go, even outdoors, and despite what the media says about it, they actually work. I've never been more virus-free in my life. It's a real virus, and it's a real conspiracy. Covid-19 is a mutated SARS virus, and the NIAID admitted to intentionally mutating SARS viruses. Remind you of anything?

    It's careless, ignorant, and irresponsible to not start calculating other ways Democrats will try to kill us next time around. Life is valuable.

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 2021/12/25 (Windows/32)
    * Origin: d i s t o r t i o n // d1st.org (911:1423/0)
  • From jack phlash@911:1423/0 to metalhead on Friday, January 05, 2024 08:05:59
    on 05 Jan 2024, metalhead said...

    You can't have it both ways. Is he out because he lost or because he
    tried to overthrow the government?

    Wat. These two things aren't *even close* to being mutually exclusive. To even imply that they are makes me question your grip on reality (not that I need more excuses for that.) He clearly lost before all of the January 6th stuff, and if he loses again this year, I'd guess more and more of those shenanigans coming to light (wonderful news story this morning about fake electors) will be partially responsible.

    It's careless, ignorant, and irresponsible to not start calculating
    other ways Democrats will try to kill us next time around. Life is valuable.


    |07j |15A C K |07p |15H L A S H |07!

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 2021/12/25 (Windows/32)
    * Origin: d i s t o r t i o n // d1st.org (911:1423/0)
  • From jack phlash@911:1423/0 to metalhead on Friday, January 05, 2024 08:10:40
    on 04 Jan 2024, metalhead said...

    I'm a NYer. They mailed me a ballot in 2020 without me asking, due to COVID-19. I still have the ballot. I'm convinced that COVID-19 was used for two purposes: to get Trump out of office, and to test their depopulation agenda out with viruses. Next time, they will attack us
    with something deadlier than viruses, if they want "better" numbers.

    I'm genuinely curious about why you think Democrats want to depopulate the country. Never mind the fact that this is clearly at odds with your theory that Biden has been softer on illegal immigration so he'd have more voters in 2024, but generally speaking, for people who wish to wield this kind of power (in either party) in our wonderful faux democracy, they need *living people* to do so. Not only to have voters/supporters, but you know, you gotta actually have something to rule over, right? Who wants to rule over a wasteland?

    |07j |15A C K |07p |15H L A S H |07!

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 2021/12/25 (Windows/32)
    * Origin: d i s t o r t i o n // d1st.org (911:1423/0)
  • From metalhead@911:1423/0 to jack phlash on Friday, January 05, 2024 11:59:29

    You can't have it both ways. Is he out because he lost or because he tried to overthrow the government?

    Wat. These two things aren't *even close* to being mutually exclusive.
    To even imply that they are makes me question your grip on reality (not that I need more excuses for that.) He clearly lost before all of the January 6th stuff, and if he loses again this year, I'd guess more and more of those shenanigans coming to light (wonderful news story this morning about fake electors) will be partially responsible.

    It was esc who said that Trump lost because he attempted a coup, but my reply was that "no, he didn't lose because of the coup."

    It's careless, ignorant, and irresponsible to not start calculating other ways Democrats will try to kill us next time around. Life is valuable.


    That too! ;)

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 2021/12/25 (Windows/32)
    * Origin: d i s t o r t i o n // d1st.org (911:1423/0)
  • From metalhead@911:1423/0 to jack phlash on Friday, January 05, 2024 12:08:14
    I'm genuinely curious about why you think Democrats want to depopulate
    the country. Never mind the fact that this is clearly at odds with your theory that Biden has been softer on illegal immigration so he'd have
    more voters in 2024, but generally speaking, for people who wish to
    wield this kind of power (in either party) in our wonderful faux democracy, they need *living people* to do so. Not only to have voters/supporters, but you know, you gotta actually have something to
    rule over, right? Who wants to rule over a wasteland?

    The long answer is that Democrats (and some Republicans too) are members of the World Economic Forum. That's the 2nd clue (covid is the 1st clue.) The third clue is Kamala Harris saying that "population control will lead to
    cleaner air and cleaner water." The fourth clue is Kamala Harris also said that "the migrants won't be staying for long."

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 2021/12/25 (Windows/32)
    * Origin: d i s t o r t i o n // d1st.org (911:1423/0)
  • From paulie420@911:1503/0 to hollowone on Friday, January 05, 2024 19:28:29
    That's where American politics is extremely interesting right now from
    the foreign perspective as continuation of isolationism as a direction
    may not only change America but the world.

    I agree - 2024 is gonna be a big year. Some 40 countries are having presidential races and the outcomes could mean bigger things than normal years.

    Guess we'll see at it goes...


    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A48 (Linux/64)
    * Origin: 2o fOr beeRS bbS>>20ForBeers.com:1337 (911:1503/0)
  • From paulie420@911:1503/0 to metalhead on Friday, January 05, 2024 19:31:27
    Agreed (that I don't agree) 100%. I do think COVID was handled badly, and that it was man-made - and WE were over there playing with virii just the same as China was... but it got out. Terrible.

    I'm glad that you agree at least that much. One of Trump's flaws is that he won't admit that covid-19 is the USA's fault. Based on what we've
    been told by the media, the research involving mutating SARS to make it more deadly than it already is, was funded by the USA. We paid for it,
    our researchers participated, and our messed up country is to blame for it, at least partly.

    You know what - I agree with this, too. We allow these foreign labs to do our bidding... why the hell are we messing around with; well, I guess we HAVE to - else other nation states will surpass us... but we get sloppy more than the population understands.


    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A48 (Linux/64)
    * Origin: 2o fOr beeRS bbS>>20ForBeers.com:1337 (911:1503/0)
  • From paulie420@911:1503/0 to jack phlash on Friday, January 05, 2024 19:33:12
    I'm genuinely curious about why you think Democrats want to depopulate
    the country. Never mind the fact that this is clearly at odds with your theory that Biden has been softer on illegal immigration so he'd have
    more voters in 2024, but generally speaking, for people who wish to
    wield this kind of power (in either party) in our wonderful faux democracy, they need *living people* to do so. Not only to have voters/supporters, but you know, you gotta actually have something to
    rule over, right? Who wants to rule over a wasteland?

    Far right, or I shouldn't use that moniker about any group... but they feel like the left in power is so far away from what they believe in that they 'MUST' want to get rid of the pop...

    As stated, I lean a bit one way or the other - but I think coming together is the most important thing in our countries future. If we continue to not be able to talk... well, we're just gonna keep getting further apart.


    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A48 (Linux/64)
    * Origin: 2o fOr beeRS bbS>>20ForBeers.com:1337 (911:1503/0)
  • From HusTler@911:1262/700 to metalhead on Saturday, January 06, 2024 09:45:36
    Hello metalhead,

    On Fri Jan 05 2024 12:08 pm UTC-8:00, you wrote:

    cleaner air and cleaner water." The fourth clue is Kamala Harris also said that "the migrants won't be staying for long."

    Did she really say that? I missed that. That really changes my opinion of her.

    |07 HusTler
    --- SBBSecho 3.20-Linux
    * Origin: thePharcyde_ telnet://bbs.pharcyde.org (Wisconsin) (911:1262/700)
  • From metalhead@911:1423/0 to paulie420 on Saturday, January 06, 2024 08:38:07
    our researchers participated, and our messed up country is to blame f it, at least partly.

    You know what - I agree with this, too. We allow these foreign labs to
    do our bidding... why the hell are we messing around with; well, I guess we HAVE to - else other nation states will surpass us... but we get
    sloppy more than the population understands.

    I wish someone could explain the benefit of intentionally mutating SARS. I've heard some crap about "So that they could develop vaccines," but that doesn't really explain anything.

    Earthquakes are deadly. Maybe we should experiment to see if we can make them more deadly than they already are - in the name of science of course, so that we can "understand them better?" lol

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 2021/12/25 (Windows/32)
    * Origin: d i s t o r t i o n // d1st.org (911:1423/0)
  • From metalhead@911:1423/0 to HusTler on Saturday, January 06, 2024 08:46:47
    cleaner air and cleaner water." The fourth clue is Kamala Harris also s that "the migrants won't be staying for long."

    Did she really say that? I missed that. That really changes my opinion of her.

    Her office later said that "She misspoke," but that is what she said, and I have a video link:


    (Kamala Harris talking about reducing population for cleaner air & water)

    I don't have a link to her saying "the migrants won't be staying long," but I swear she said it on TV, I saw it. And there was never any explanation about what she meant by that, but that's why we analyze stuff for ourselves.

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 2021/12/25 (Windows/32)
    * Origin: d i s t o r t i o n // d1st.org (911:1423/0)
  • From paulie420@911:1503/0 to metalhead on Saturday, January 06, 2024 11:17:02
    I wish someone could explain the benefit of intentionally mutating SARS. I've heard some crap about "So that they could develop vaccines," but
    that doesn't really explain anything.

    I don't agree with it - but there are [many] things that the US has to research b/c other nation states will doso and surpass us.

    I've no idea if thats the WHY we were funding chinese labs - but I'd think so... AI, weapons, defense - theres all sorts of things we have to keep our hands in so we don't fall behind others.


    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A48 (Linux/64)
    * Origin: 2o fOr beeRS bbS>>20ForBeers.com:1337 (911:1503/0)
  • From NuSkooler@911:1801/0 to metalhead on Saturday, January 06, 2024 13:00:04

    metalhead around Friday, January 5th...
    You can't have it both ways. Is he out because he lost or because he tried to overthrow the government?

    What? It's factually both. He lost. He tried to "save" his loss by a coup. Yep, both ways.

    On Friday, January 5th metalhead was heard saying...
    I take covid-19 seriously. I wear an n95 mask everywhere I go, even outdoors, and despite what the media says about it, they actually work. I've never been more virus-free in my life. It's a real virus, and it's a real conspiracy. Covid-19 is a mutated SARS virus, and the NIAID admitted to intentionally mutating SARS viruses. Remind you of anything?

    Oh it's almost for sure man made, but certainly part of some big global conspiracy. A conspiracy of a few to release it? Perhaps. Good to hear you are taking it seriously. The #'s are wayyyy up again, but all the media and political folk already broadcasted their "We won!" retoric.

    On Friday, January 5th metalhead said...
    It's careless, ignorant, and irresponsible to not start calculating other ways Democrats will try to kill us next time around. Life is valuable.

    But see, there you go again with your weird "Democrats are trying to kill us" conspiracy nonsense.

    |08 ■ |12NuSkooler |06// |12Xibalba |08- |07"|06The place of fear|07"
    |08 ■ |03xibalba|08.|03vip |08(|0344510|08/|03telnet|08, |0344511|08/|03ssh|08)
    |08 ■ |03ENiGMA 1/2 WHQ |08| |03Phenom |08| |0367 |08| |03iMPURE |08| |03ACiDic
    --- ENiGMA 1/2 v0.0.14-beta (linux; x64; 18.18.2)
    * Origin: Xibalba -+- xibalba.l33t.codes:44510 (911:1801/0)
  • From jack phlash@911:1423/0 to metalhead on Saturday, January 06, 2024 16:14:08
    on 05 Jan 2024, metalhead said...

    It was esc who said that Trump lost because he attempted a coup, but my reply was that "no, he didn't lose because of the coup."

    It was NuSkooler actually, but you're right. I shouldn't have gone so hard on you for that when you weren't the one who first said it.

    |07j |15A C K |07p |15H L A S H |07!

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 2021/12/25 (Windows/32)
    * Origin: d i s t o r t i o n // d1st.org (911:1423/0)
  • From jack phlash@911:1423/0 to metalhead on Saturday, January 06, 2024 16:19:38
    on 05 Jan 2024, metalhead said...

    The long answer is that Democrats (and some Republicans too) are members of the World Economic Forum. That's the 2nd clue (covid is the 1st
    clue.) The third clue is Kamala Harris saying that "population control will lead to cleaner air and cleaner water." The fourth clue is Kamala Harris also said that "the migrants won't be staying for long."

    Err. A lot to unpack here. I mean, wouldn't the World Economic Forum want MORE consumers? More people buying shit = more money for them and their interests. No people means no economy. Besides, if only the wealthy and powerful were left in the world, wealth wouldn't matter and the power would be greatly diminished. What you're proposing sounds like a plot from bad fiction and not reality.

    Kamala Harris is right in that first point, but that doesn't necessarily mean she wants to kill people off, or even force people to have less children China style... and her comment about migrants not staying? Again, seems TOTALLY at odds with your conspiracy theory about illegal immigrants helping Democrats win the election. Why would they want to let them in only to kill them off with a virus? Your logic is... bewildering.

    |07j |15A C K |07p |15H L A S H |07!

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 2021/12/25 (Windows/32)
    * Origin: d i s t o r t i o n // d1st.org (911:1423/0)
  • From jack phlash@911:1423/0 to paulie420 on Saturday, January 06, 2024 16:20:27
    on 05 Jan 2024, paulie420 said...

    Guess we'll see at it goes...

    You sound as thrilled by that as I am. :P

    |07j |15A C K |07p |15H L A S H |07!

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 2021/12/25 (Windows/32)
    * Origin: d i s t o r t i o n // d1st.org (911:1423/0)
  • From jack phlash@911:1423/0 to paulie420 on Saturday, January 06, 2024 16:27:52
    on 05 Jan 2024, paulie420 said...

    Far right, or I shouldn't use that moniker about any group... but they feel like the left in power is so far away from what they believe in
    that they 'MUST' want to get rid of the pop...

    As stated, I lean a bit one way or the other - but I think coming
    together is the most important thing in our countries future. If we continue to not be able to talk... well, we're just gonna keep getting further apart.

    It's true, but when people get so far on one side or the other that they start forming what seems to relatively normal people irrational or even *insane* conspiracy theories, it can be kind of hard to any sort of productive conversation because logic fails, evidence is denied or excused, etc.

    Personally, while I have a huge imagination, my first step in evaluating these kinds of conspiracy theories is always to question what the actors' motives would be in a logical, deductive way. While it's true that people can behave in self-destrutive or highly irrational ways, that is usually much smaller scale, more impulsive stuff, not huge, decades long international conspiracies. My question about why Democrats would want to kill off the population is a great example of this. You may disagree their social and/or economic policies, but Democrats aren't Bond villains, FFS. :P

    |07j |15A C K |07p |15H L A S H |07!

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 2021/12/25 (Windows/32)
    * Origin: d i s t o r t i o n // d1st.org (911:1423/0)
  • From jack phlash@911:1423/0 to metalhead on Saturday, January 06, 2024 16:44:20
    on 06 Jan 2024, metalhead said...

    I wish someone could explain the benefit of intentionally mutating SARS. I've heard some crap about "So that they could develop vaccines," but
    that doesn't really explain anything.

    I mean, you can easily imagine some scenarios where studying the mechanics of bacteria and virii could be beneficial, but the most obvious reason is biological weaponry. They're supposed to be oh so illegal, but everyone is just pretending they're not still researching and developing them.

    |07j |15A C K |07p |15H L A S H |07!

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 2021/12/25 (Windows/32)
    * Origin: d i s t o r t i o n // d1st.org (911:1423/0)
  • From NuSkooler@911:1801/0 to metalhead on Saturday, January 06, 2024 13:02:37

    On Friday, January 5th metalhead was heard saying...
    The long answer is that Democrats (and some Republicans too) are members of the World Economic Forum. That's the 2nd clue (covid is the 1st clue.) The third clue is Kamala Harris saying that "population control will lead to cleaner air and cleaner water." The fourth clue is Kamala Harris also said that "the migrants won't be staying for long."

    https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/pepe-silvia is all I can think of.

    |08 ■ |12NuSkooler |06// |12Xibalba |08- |07"|06The place of fear|07"
    |08 ■ |03xibalba|08.|03vip |08(|0344510|08/|03telnet|08, |0344511|08/|03ssh|08)
    |08 ■ |03ENiGMA 1/2 WHQ |08| |03Phenom |08| |0367 |08| |03iMPURE |08| |03ACiDic
    --- ENiGMA 1/2 v0.0.14-beta (linux; x64; 18.18.2)
    * Origin: Xibalba -+- xibalba.l33t.codes:44510 (911:1801/0)
  • From esc@911:1719/0 to jack phlash on Saturday, January 06, 2024 20:04:22
    Personally, while I have a huge imagination, my first step in evaluating these kinds of conspiracy theories is always to question what the
    actors' motives would be in a logical, deductive way. While it's true
    that people can behave in self-destrutive or highly irrational ways,
    that is usually much smaller scale, more impulsive stuff, not huge, decades long international conspiracies. My question about why Democrats would want to kill off the population is a great example of this. You
    may disagree their social and/or economic policies, but Democrats aren't Bond villains, FFS. :P

    I have the luxury of holding a US security clearance for more than a decade and knowing 1) how boring the majority of our secrets are, and 2) how f-ing difficult it is for us to keep anything secret. This is the lens through which I view any "the government is doing x horrible thing" - no, it's not, there is NO way people would follow these orders, and NO way any of this could be kept secret.

    I also have the luxury of having firsthand experience with how a very prominent social media company handles international crises and elections. The only thing I can do when someone suggests social media companies are trying to pull strings to control us is roll my eyes.

    Finally, I know nothing I can say will convince someone with conspiratorial ideas, so why bother? I just get annoyed reading such ... bewildering things all the time, when there are so many more interesting and logical things to discuss.

    If you feel attacked by this post, yes, this is a passive aggressive insult to your inability to apply logic. :)

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A49 2023/02/26 (Linux/64)
    * Origin: m O N T E R E Y b B S . c O M (911:1719/0)
  • From paulie420@911:1503/0 to jack phlash on Saturday, January 06, 2024 20:13:49
    Kamala Harris is right in that first point, but that doesn't necessarily mean she wants to kill people off, or even force people to have less children China style... and her comment about migrants not staying?
    Again, seems TOTALLY at odds with your conspiracy theory about illegal immigrants helping Democrats win the election. Why would they want to
    let them in only to kill them off with a virus? Your logic is... bewildering.

    I've been watching this admin - and sure, I love a gal vice pres... but cmon, dude - Kamala being right about anything over the past 3.5 years is laughable. :P I mean - you don't have a straight face while saying that, right?? Theres a smirk - I know it.

    IMO Harris has been - a nothing. A complete zero vice pres... I certainly hope Biden backs away from 2024, and don't have to think twice about Kamala - she won't be the one. :P


    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A48 (Linux/64)
    * Origin: 2o fOr beeRS bbS>>20ForBeers.com:1337 (911:1503/0)
  • From paulie420@911:1503/0 to jack phlash on Saturday, January 06, 2024 20:18:17
    It's true, but when people get so far on one side or the other that they start forming what seems to relatively normal people irrational or even *insane* conspiracy theories, it can be kind of hard to any sort of productive conversation because logic fails, evidence is denied or excused, etc.

    Personally, while I have a huge imagination, my first step in evaluating these kinds of conspiracy theories is always to question what the
    actors' motives would be in a logical, deductive way. While it's true
    that people can behave in self-destrutive or highly irrational ways,
    that is usually much smaller scale, more impulsive stuff, not huge, decades long international conspiracies. My question about why Democrats would want to kill off the population is a great example of this. You
    may disagree their social and/or economic policies, but Democrats aren't Bond villains, FFS. :P

    Ok - I understand what yer stating; but when you sit down to negotiate, you'll give SOME, right? I will.

    It's the extremes that kill us all and make us more divided. It's the 'we won't go there'... the 'we won't negotiate on that'. Everything should be on the table - lets talk about one thing;

    voting. How should it go in 2024; the part that I hate is that the right wants realID - ONLY... and the left wants [another, bs... cough.] mass mail-in - send everyone that is even close to being a 'voter' a 5x3 in the mail, for anyone at that address to fill out....

    And I'm saying I think we should have an ID to vote - but lets negotiate. Not go round about ways to push whatever we can, by the skin of our teeth 'legally' - Amerikkkka needs to get back to talking - giving - taking - talking.

    You need an ID to buy a freaking money order. Can we at least have that for voting for the president of the free world??? Please?


    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A48 (Linux/64)
    * Origin: 2o fOr beeRS bbS>>20ForBeers.com:1337 (911:1503/0)
  • From paulie420@911:1503/0 to esc on Saturday, January 06, 2024 20:25:03
    This is the lens through which I view any "the government is doing x es> horrible thing" - no, it's not, there is NO way people would follow these es> orders, and NO way any of this could be kept secret.

    They're doing x, y and z... and xx, yy and zz - and xxx, yyy and zzz. We're too stupid to think that 'they' would tho...

    And the other side is doing the same thing - I really think we ALL need to wake up - its 2024; AI is fixing to change everything, and we're still here in 1980 arguing about which side is right - we better wake up quickly and figure out that its not left / right - its up vs down... and we're all fighting the wrong fight.

    Jesus, we're f**ked.


    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A48 (Linux/64)
    * Origin: 2o fOr beeRS bbS>>20ForBeers.com:1337 (911:1503/0)
  • From esc@911:1719/0 to paulie420 on Sunday, January 07, 2024 05:02:00
    IMO Harris has been - a nothing. A complete zero vice pres... I
    certainly hope Biden backs away from 2024, and don't have to think twice about Kamala - she won't be the one. :P

    While I don't disagree, the only thing I'd really say is that a veep traditionally doesn't do anything. *shrug*

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A49 2023/02/26 (Linux/64)
    * Origin: m O N T E R E Y b B S . c O M (911:1719/0)
  • From jack phlash@911:1423/0 to paulie420 on Sunday, January 07, 2024 17:01:18
    on 06 Jan 2024, paulie420 said...

    I've been watching this admin - and sure, I love a gal vice pres... but cmon, dude - Kamala being right about anything over the past 3.5 years
    is laughable. :P I mean - you don't have a straight face while saying that, right?? Theres a smirk - I know it.

    IMO Harris has been - a nothing. A complete zero vice pres... I
    certainly hope Biden backs away from 2024, and don't have to think twice about Kamala - she won't be the one. :P

    Whether or not she's been a terrible vice president has nothing to do with her ability to be correct. That's a really close minded way of thinking. You think because you don't like Kamala Harris that she's literally of incapable of making any valid statement or having even a single opinion that aligns with yours? Really? I can't fucking stand Trump, and while it makes me shudder to say this, I'm sure he's said and done plenty that I agree with and/or acknowledge as right. Even a broke clock is right twice a day, etc.

    As for that statement, yeah, I happen to believe based on evidence I've seen and that good ol' logic again that humans have had a massive negative impact on the environment, and it's simple to deduce that some of these issues (garbage and litter, for example) would obviously worsen with more people, as do more complex issues, like emissions from manufacturing and agriculture, as more demand means more production. Therefore, her statement and basic premise, I believe, is correct. *shrug*

    (But yeah, I did say that with a smirk because I knew it would probably trigger someone on here. :P)

    |07j |15A C K |07p |15H L A S H |07!

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 2021/12/25 (Windows/32)
    * Origin: d i s t o r t i o n // d1st.org (911:1423/0)
  • From jack phlash@911:1423/0 to paulie420 on Sunday, January 07, 2024 17:12:45
    on 06 Jan 2024, paulie420 said...

    voting. How should it go in 2024; the part that I hate is that the right wants realID - ONLY... and the left wants [another, bs... cough.] mass mail-in - send everyone that is even close to being a 'voter' a 5x3 in
    the mail, for anyone at that address to fill out....

    And I'm saying I think we should have an ID to vote - but lets
    negotiate. Not go round about ways to push whatever we can, by the skin
    of our teeth 'legally' - Amerikkkka needs to get back to talking -
    giving - taking - talking.

    You need an ID to buy a freaking money order. Can we at least have that for voting for the president of the free world??? Please?

    Ha! I don't care about this issue as much as you might imagine I do. Do you think because I'm left leaning that my opinions automatically perfectly align with what Fox News says it is or something? Come on. You've said yourself that you don't align 1:1 with any party of typical political ideology, so give me the same courtesy of assuming mine don't either. :P

    One of the reasons I don't care that much is that, from my personal perspective, we're already doing it. I've always been required to show identification when voting. When I've voted in person in various states, I've always needed to bring my ID and/or my voter registration card. When I've voted by mail here in Washington, the ballots are only mailed to registered voters in theory, and contain enough of my personally identifiable details that it's clear they're validating who they send them to and/or who is sending them when they process them. I've never been exposed to anything approaching anonymous voting in the USA. Could it (in either case) be improved? Absolutely.

    So, what I'm saying is, in my mind we're already doing this, and take away all of the minutia that is squabbled over from both sides around the issue, and the premise is solid enough. So, sure, let's do it.

    Happy? :)

    |07j |15A C K |07p |15H L A S H |07!

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 2021/12/25 (Windows/32)
    * Origin: d i s t o r t i o n // d1st.org (911:1423/0)
  • From paulie420@911:1503/0 to jack phlash on Monday, January 08, 2024 15:55:16
    Whether or not she's been a terrible vice president has nothing to do
    with her ability to be correct. That's a really close minded way of thinking. You think because you don't like Kamala Harris that she's literally of incapable of making any valid statement or having even a single opinion that aligns with yours? Really? I can't fucking stand Trump, and while it makes me shudder to say this, I'm sure he's said and done plenty that I agree with and/or acknowledge as right. Even a broke clock is right twice a day, etc.

    While [trying to remember the entire thread leading to the Kamala part..] I don't agree that Covid was... by the left to 'eradicate' anything, at all - I legitimately haven't heard one paragraph out of Miss Harris that I'd agree with or call intelligent. Ever.

    The only 'good' [sarcastic, as I totally disagree with this part too] she's ever done in her career was putting waves of brown men in prisons throughout the 90s... she carried the flag after those who came before her - she 'cleaned up' California pretty good. [Again, the sarcasm.]

    Ha! I don't care about this issue as much as you might imagine I do. Do jp> you think because I'm left leaning that my opinions automatically jp> perfectly align with what Fox News says it is or something? Come on. jp> You've said yourself that you don't align 1:1 with any party of typical jp> political ideology, so give me the same courtesy of assuming mine don't jp> either. :P

    No no - I didn't mean to put YOU in any one column, nor even reply at you - but the voting part, below....

    One of the reasons I don't care that much is that, from my personal perspective, we're already doing it. I've always been required to show identification when voting.

    That's the biggest 'complaint' I have about 2020 - is that while you and I show an ID when we go vote at the library, church or schoolhouse, the mass-mailin voting that was slam dunked on America opened up the possibilities for MASSES to vote w/o doing so. Furthermore, and I know this wasn't your argument, is it 'allowed', 'engaged' or 'persuaded' non-voters to doso; I'm in the belief that voting should be like it has been for the history of our country;

    you register
    you prove citizenship (not a big deal, but you show yer ID when you vote)
    [or] you raise your hand and request mail-in voting
    ... you vote.

    All that being said, I'd like more Americans voting - and have open ears about how to do that in a civil, fair and American way... [conspiracy bit] giving the getaways the opportunity to vote in 2024 is NOT that.


    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A48 (Linux/64)
    * Origin: 2o fOr beeRS bbS>>20ForBeers.com:1337 (911:1503/0)
  • From jack phlash@911:1423/0 to paulie420 on Wednesday, January 10, 2024 17:08:53
    on 08 Jan 2024, paulie420 said...

    That's the biggest 'complaint' I have about 2020 - is that while you and
    I show an ID when we go vote at the library, church or schoolhouse, the mass-mailin voting that was slam dunked on America opened up the possibilities for MASSES to vote w/o doing so. Furthermore, and I know this wasn't your argument, is it 'allowed', 'engaged' or 'persuaded' non-voters to doso; I'm in the belief that voting should be like it has been for the history of our country;

    you register
    you prove citizenship (not a big deal, but you show yer ID when you vote) [or] you raise your hand and request mail-in voting
    ... you vote.

    This is one of the areas where I have to back up, because where as Washington has been doing mass mail-in voting for years before 2020, most states haven't, and the idea that a lot of them would sloppily scramble to do it because of COVID and somehow *not* fuck it up in one way or another, was definitely a little disconcerting. :P

    All that being said, I'd like more Americans voting - and have open ears about how to do that in a civil, fair and American way... [conspiracy
    bit] giving the getaways the opportunity to vote in 2024 is NOT that.

    Ultimately, the problem isn't whether or not people have the opportunity to vote, it's getting them to get off of their asses and do it. Mail-in voting makes the process for more convenient, but sure, it should come with appropriate ways to authenticate ballots (and including improving what we're already doing in states like mine, which isn't NOTHING, but it's far from perfect.) Honestly, the idea of some kind of national way to authenticate voting (more involved than Real-ID) like Hollowone mentioned in Poland (or you mentioned with Estonia) is probably more like what we need, but I don't see that happening any time soon.

    |07j |15A C K |07p |15H L A S H |07!

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 2021/12/25 (Windows/32)
    * Origin: d i s t o r t i o n // d1st.org (911:1423/0)
  • From paulie420@911:1503/0 to jack phlash on Wednesday, January 10, 2024 18:54:36
    Ultimately, the problem isn't whether or not people have the opportunity to vote, it's getting them to get off of their asses and do it. Mail-in voting makes the process for more convenient, but sure, it should come with appropriate ways to authenticate ballots (and including improving what we're already doing in states like mine, which isn't NOTHING, but it's far from perfect.) Honestly, the idea of some kind of national way
    to authenticate voting (more involved than Real-ID) like Hollowone mentioned in Poland (or you mentioned with Estonia) is probably more
    like what we need, but I don't see that happening any time soon.

    With technology where it is, code could be written to literally verify an identification using the tech in all of our pockets - but as h1 also said, the infrastructure would take XX years to put in place... I guess.

    At any rate, all the things you said I wasn't anything I'd disagree with - you stated we need to verify ID... thats all I 'demand' and don't think that was done in 2020.
    (And still think Biden is the correct and true winner of that election.)


    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A48 (Linux/64)
    * Origin: 2o fOr beeRS bbS>>20ForBeers.com:1337 (911:1503/0)
  • From jack phlash@911:1423/0 to paulie420 on Wednesday, January 10, 2024 21:29:21
    on 10 Jan 2024, paulie420 said...

    With technology where it is, code could be written to literally verify an identification using the tech in all of our pockets - but as h1 also
    said, the infrastructure would take XX years to put in place... I guess.

    Definitely. Government projects like that tend to move at glacial pace, and obviously it has to be done exceedingly carefully, otherwise modernizing the system could open up different avenues for fraud and other meddling.

    (And still think Biden is the correct and true winner of that election.)



    |07j |15A C K |07p |15H L A S H |07!

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 2021/12/25 (Windows/32)
    * Origin: d i s t o r t i o n // d1st.org (911:1423/0)