• Special day!

    From esc@911:1719/0 to All on Friday, August 02, 2024 08:52:12
    Hey friends, today is an official Zer0net holiday: Jack Phlash's birthday!

    Please join me in singing happy birthday to our illustrious and fearless leader. Happy bday dude!

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A49 2023/02/26 (Linux/64)
    * Origin: m O N T E R E Y b B S . c O M (911:1719/0)
  • From poindexter FORTRAN to esc on Friday, August 02, 2024 14:54:36
    Re: Special day!
    By: esc to All on Fri Aug 02 2024 08:52 am

    Hey friends, today is an official Zer0net holiday: Jack Phlash's birthday!

    Please join me in singing happy birthday to our illustrious and fearless leader. Happy bday dude!

    Happy Birthday, jP!
  • From niter3@911:1519/1 to esc on Saturday, August 03, 2024 08:15:12
    On 02 Aug 2024, esc said the following...

    Hey friends, today is an official Zer0net holiday: Jack Phlash's

    Please join me in singing happy birthday to our illustrious and fearless leader. Happy bday dude!

    Happy happy joy joy...

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A49 2023/04/30 (Linux/64)
    * Origin: Clutch BBS * telnet://clutchbbs.com (911:1519/1)
  • From xqtr@911:30210/0 to esc on Saturday, August 03, 2024 20:50:47
    Happy Birthday, with happiness and health... a translation of a Greek birthday wish: Xronia polla, me eytyxia kai ygeia! hahahaha... :)

    :: XQTR :: Another Droid BBS :: andr01d.zapto.org:9999 :: xqtr@gmx.com

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 2020/11/23 (Raspberry Pi/32)
    * Origin: Another Droid BBS # andr01d.zapto.org:9999 (911:30210/0)
  • From jack phlash@911:1423/0 to esc on Saturday, August 03, 2024 15:55:47
    Hey friends, today is an official Zer0net holiday: Jack Phlash's

    Please join me in singing happy birthday to our illustrious and fearless leader. Happy bday dude!

    Ha! Thanks, dude (and everyone else who replied!) The misses and I are spending a long weekend tromping around in Paulie's neck of the woods. I picked way too hot of a weekend to do this, sweating my balls off down here, but Portland is always a great time.

    (I think this is the first time I've legitimately used MuffinTerm on my old iPad with a compact bluetooth keyboard. Disappointed it doesn't support SSH yet, but besides that, it works damn well.

    |07j |15A C K |07p |15H L A S H |07!

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 2021/12/25 (Windows/32)
    * Origin: d i s t o r t i o n // d1st.org (911:1423/0)
  • From jack phlash@911:1423/0 to xqtr on Saturday, August 03, 2024 15:59:24
    on 03 Aug 2024, xqtr said...

    Happy Birthday, with happiness and health... a translation of a Greek birthday wish: Xronia polla, me eytyxia kai ygeia! hahahaha... :)

    Happiness and happiness? Google Translate things that's right. Ha!

    |07j |15A C K |07p |15H L A S H |07!

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 2021/12/25 (Windows/32)
    * Origin: d i s t o r t i o n // d1st.org (911:1423/0)
  • From esc@911:1719/0 to jack phlash on Saturday, August 03, 2024 17:42:11
    Ha! Thanks, dude (and everyone else who replied!) The misses and I are spending a long weekend tromping around in Paulie's neck of the woods. I picked way too hot of a weekend to do this, sweating my balls off down here, but Portland is always a great time.

    Pick me up some mushrooms while you're out that way, yeah?

    (I think this is the first time I've legitimately used MuffinTerm on my old iPad with a compact bluetooth keyboard. Disappointed it doesn't support SSH yet, but besides that, it works damn well.

    When I traveled a ton for work, having MuffinTerm was a godsend. I could get my BBSing on whenever I wanted. I also have my iPad on a cellular plan so I can literally just open the thing up and start telnetting.

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A49 2023/02/26 (Linux/64)
    * Origin: m O N T E R E Y b B S . c O M (911:1719/0)
  • From Tiny@911:1262/700 to Jack Phlash on Sunday, August 04, 2024 07:08:00
    Hi Jack,
    In a message to Esc you wrote:

    woods. I picked way too hot of a weekend to do this, sweating my
    balls off down here, but Portland is always a great time.

    I was in the woods in my tin can, and it was just too hot, I came home
    and hugged my a/c for pretty much all of yesterday.

    (I think this is the first time I've legitimately used MuffinTerm on
    my old iPad with a compact bluetooth keyboard. Disappointed it
    doesn't support SSH yet, but besides that, it works damn well.

    It works in a pinch doesn't it?


    * SeM. 2.26 * Just because everything is different doesn't mean anything has --- SBBSecho 3.20-Linux
    * Origin: _thePharcyde telnet://bbs.pharcyde.org (Wisconsin) (911:1262/700)
  • From Tiny@911:1262/700 to Esc on Sunday, August 04, 2024 07:11:00
    Hi Esc,
    In a message to Jack Phlash you wrote:

    Pick me up some mushrooms while you're out that way, yeah?

    If you were close to the Toronto area I could help. We're gonna
    hit roseneith sometime this week. Native reserve it's a great place
    an entire strip of stores selling tobaco, weed, mushrooms etc. All
    semi-legal. LOL


    * SeM. 2.26 * A fast has no real nutritional value.
    --- SBBSecho 3.20-Linux
    * Origin: _thePharcyde telnet://bbs.pharcyde.org (Wisconsin) (911:1262/700)
  • From esc@911:1719/0 to Tiny on Sunday, August 04, 2024 13:38:36
    If you were close to the Toronto area I could help. We're gonna
    hit roseneith sometime this week. Native reserve it's a great place
    an entire strip of stores selling tobaco, weed, mushrooms etc. All semi-legal. LOL

    Ha, nice. I think shrooms are in the illegal-but-we-dont-really-care status in California, as it turns out. Most dispensaries evidently do have mushroom infused chocolates and stuff for sale.

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A49 2023/02/26 (Linux/64)
    * Origin: m O N T E R E Y b B S . c O M (911:1719/0)
  • From jack phlash@911:1423/0 to esc on Monday, August 05, 2024 12:41:46
    on 03 Aug 2024, esc said...

    Pick me up some mushrooms while you're out that way, yeah?

    Sorry, bud. I'm pretty sure Portland rescinded that whole "all drugs are now decriminalized, have fun!" thing earlier this year. :P

    When I traveled a ton for work, having MuffinTerm was a godsend. I could get my BBSing on whenever I wanted. I also have my iPad on a cellular
    plan so I can literally just open the thing up and start telnetting.

    I'm considering getting a new tablet now, but this old thing still does most of what I need it for (surfing the web and watching YouTube, along with being a shitty laptop in a pinch.) It's funny, IOS went from having zero decent options for BBSing (outside of relying on web clients, of course) to probably having the best almost instantly, unless there's some really good Android options I'm on aware of. Any Android users want to chime in on what's out there?

    |07j |15A C K |07p |15H L A S H |07!

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 2021/12/25 (Windows/32)
    * Origin: d i s t o r t i o n // d1st.org (911:1423/0)
  • From jack phlash@911:1423/0 to Tiny on Monday, August 05, 2024 12:44:54
    on 04 Aug 2024, Tiny said...

    It works in a pinch doesn't it?

    I'd say its even better than that - it's a pretty good client, overall. The only reason I still won't use it often is that I really only whip out my keyboard when traveling. I have a pretty slick one that matches the form factor of my iPad, clipping to it to allow it to fold like a laptop, but having that thing attached means otherwise sacrificing the simple tablet form factor, so it's a big trade off.

    |07j |15A C K |07p |15H L A S H |07!

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 2021/12/25 (Windows/32)
    * Origin: d i s t o r t i o n // d1st.org (911:1423/0)
  • From esc@911:1719/0 to jack phlash on Monday, August 05, 2024 20:43:59
    Sorry, bud. I'm pretty sure Portland rescinded that whole "all drugs are now decriminalized, have fun!" thing earlier this year. :P

    I think they did that specifically for fentanyl though, no?

    I'm considering getting a new tablet now, but this old thing still does most of what I need it for (surfing the web and watching YouTube, along with being a shitty laptop in a pinch.) It's funny, IOS went from having zero decent options for BBSing (outside of relying on web clients, of course) to probably having the best almost instantly, unless there's
    some really good Android options I'm on aware of. Any Android users want to chime in on what's out there?

    I'm a big fan of my iPad. At times I use it more than my laptop...it's just so convenient. Having the keyboard attachment renders a laptop almost redundant for many tasks.

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A49 2023/02/26 (Linux/64)
    * Origin: m O N T E R E Y b B S . c O M (911:1719/0)
  • From esc@911:1719/0 to jack phlash on Monday, August 05, 2024 20:44:58
    I'd say its even better than that - it's a pretty good client, overall. The only reason I still won't use it often is that I really only whip
    out my keyboard when traveling. I have a pretty slick one that matches
    the form factor of my iPad, clipping to it to allow it to fold like a laptop, but having that thing attached means otherwise sacrificing the simple tablet form factor, so it's a big trade off.

    I use the official Apple keyboard attachment. It folds up smartly and takes very little room, yet the keyboard feels great. I have the one with the trackpad but honestly never use that aspect of it, so if you were in the market, I'd say skip the trackpad and save some cash.

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A49 2023/02/26 (Linux/64)
    * Origin: m O N T E R E Y b B S . c O M (911:1719/0)
  • From Tiny@911:1262/700 to Jack Phlash on Tuesday, August 06, 2024 06:40:00
    Hi Jack,
    On <Tue, 05 Aug 24>, you wrote me:

    overall. The only reason I still won't use it often is that I really
    only whip out my keyboard when traveling. I have a pretty slick one
    that matches the form factor of my iPad, clipping to it to allow it
    to fold like a laptop, but having that thing attached means otherwise sacrificing the simple tablet form factor, so it's a big trade off.

    I understand that. Years ago I used to travel more for work and for fun
    I did long distance motorcycle rides. (I could have filed paperwork for
    the iron butt, however I didn't do it for that reason) and I had a foldable keyboard for my PalmOS device. I did a lot of writing on that thing, a lot
    of spreadsheets etc. Looking back I did way more on those Palm devices
    then I do on my modern phone / tablet.


    * SeM. 2.26 * Politics: Poly (Many) + Ticks (blood sucking parasites)
    --- SBBSecho 3.20-Linux
    * Origin: _thePharcyde telnet://bbs.pharcyde.org (Wisconsin) (911:1262/700)
  • From poindexter FORTRAN to Tiny on Tuesday, August 06, 2024 07:11:00
    Tiny wrote to Jack Phlash <=-

    and I had a foldable keyboard for my PalmOS device. I did a lot of writing on that thing, a lot of spreadsheets etc. Looking back I did
    way more on those Palm devices then I do on my modern phone / tablet.

    There was a guy in the 1990s that wrote a book on a Palm Pilot - then
    wrote a book about writing a book on his Palm Pilot. On his Palm Pilot.
    Jeff Kirvin.


    There is absolutely no truth to the rumors that Jeff Kirvin has been an
    Army Ranger, a trauma surgeon, a Martian or a small koala. In fact, Jeff doesn't even know how these rumors get started. He certainly doesn't
    start them himself on Twitter.

    The real story, as these things often are, is more prosaic. Jeff has
    worked at the Pentagon as part of the United States Air Force, been a world-renown mobile technology pundit and is, in fact, a distant
    chipmunk on the horizon. He's been telling stories since he was old
    enough to make recognizable sounds, and doesn't intend to stop any time

    --- MultiMail/Win v0.52
  • From jack phlash@911:1423/0 to esc on Friday, August 09, 2024 18:47:31
    on 05 Aug 2024, esc said...

    I think they did that specifically for fentanyl though, no?

    I don't think so. I believe the original decriminalization thing was for "hard drugs" and now thats been rolled back. Obviously that covers fentanyl, and I'm also 99% sure that all of the mofos dying from fentanyl was what led to it being recriminalized, but yeah, it more general.

    |07j |15A C K |07p |15H L A S H |07!

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 2021/12/25 (Windows/32)
    * Origin: d i s t o r t i o n // d1st.org (911:1423/0)
  • From jack phlash@911:1423/0 to esc on Friday, August 09, 2024 18:51:29
    on 05 Aug 2024, esc said...

    I use the official Apple keyboard attachment. It folds up smartly and takes very little room, yet the keyboard feels great. I have the one
    with the trackpad but honestly never use that aspect of it, so if you
    were in the market, I'd say skip the trackpad and save some cash.

    I don't think those existed when I bought my iPad. I have one made by Brydge. It's pretty impressive. Folds up against the iPad like a laptop and matches the color and style, good feeling backlit keyboard, some other controls. It's pretty nice. No clue how it stands up to Apple's though. I'd like it if mine had a trackpad too, but it's not really needed. For most things you're navigating with touch like normal, and if you want to type, you type. My only issue is having to fight my impulse to reach for a trackpad or mouse.

    |07j |15A C K |07p |15H L A S H |07!

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 2021/12/25 (Windows/32)
    * Origin: d i s t o r t i o n // d1st.org (911:1423/0)
  • From Exodus@911:1724/0 to Jack Phlash on Friday, August 09, 2024 22:25:49
    on 05 Aug 2024, esc said...

    Looks like I'm coming thru, so it's a "Special day!" just like in the
    subject. ;)

    ... Define the universe. Give three examples.

    --- Renegade v1.35à/DOS
    * Origin: The Titantic BBS Telnet - ttb.rgbbs.info (911:1724/0)
  • From jack phlash@911:1423/0 to Exodus on Friday, August 09, 2024 19:55:32
    on 09 Aug 2024, Exodus said...

    Looks like I'm coming thru, so it's a "Special day!" just like in the subject. ;)

    You're official now!

    |07j |15A C K |07p |15H L A S H |07!

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 2021/12/25 (Windows/32)
    * Origin: d i s t o r t i o n // d1st.org (911:1423/0)